How Are Cyber Security Issues Changing the Way of Interacting with the Government?

In the past two decades, cybersecurity has become an integral component of international relations. Despite the political nature of the problem of ensuring cybersecurity, proper international regulation mechanisms have not yet been created in this area.

The Impact of Cybersecurity on Country Prospects

Currently, most countries are users of modern technologies, which, if necessary, can be controlled remotely, without the knowledge of operators, which can damage the critical infrastructure and national security of those countries whose leadership has shown criminal negligence, and the relevant departments have shown their professional incompetence.

The escalation of new information technologies and the introduction of computer systems into all spheres of human activity have caused a significant increase in the interest of a wide range of users in the problem of integrated information security in cyberspace. Practitioners have been dealing with this problem for a long time, deeply and effectively.

In the realities of modern international relations, it is becoming a sad tradition to bring unsubstantiated accusations of committing certain illegal acts in cyberspace. Proposals aimed at blurring the measures of responsibility for the use of force in interstate relations without permission do not contribute to building confidence. The global problems of strategic stability at the current stage are posed, and conclusions are substantiated that the protection of strategic weapons, missile warning systems, air, and missile defense, communications, and command, and control of nuclear weapons from malicious ICT are topical global problems of our time.

Cyber security following strategic planning determines what the company must do now to achieve expected goals in the future. The stages of strategic planning will illustrate how the company’s resources will be distributed, how it will adapt to the conditions of the external environment, and whether the work of employees will change. This approach allows you to manage your business consciously and systematically rather than to rely on luck and intuition.

Strategic Risks and Cyber Security Issues that Interact with the Government

In the modern world, information technologies are changing our lives more and more every day, penetrating almost all areas of education, production, logistics, finance, as well as defense and security. As has repeatedly happened in the history of mankind, the most developed powers seek to use the advanced technologies they have developed against the lagging behind in order to strengthen their own geopolitical and economic position at their expense.

Political conflicts in cyberspace, cybercrime, digital diplomacy, online economy and education, and e-government – all members of the world community, without exception, have to face this reality, and not only technologically developed countries, as just a decade ago. Experts say most business and nonprofit leaders are fully aware of the need for additional cybersecurity measures amid a surge in cyberattacks, including ransomware. The cyber security report showed that:

  • Credential hijacking is the most common type of security incident affecting organizations today.
  • Approaches to distributing cyber security are still on the map with no single dominant leader.
  • 24% of organizations have their own suites that integrate with the public cloud.
  • 35% use a provider for federated access.
  • 52% synchronize internal directories with public cloud directory services.

Thus, the problem of cybersecurity and the availability of specialists who will provide this very security is extremely relevant for both users and companies. The qualifications of cybercriminals are constantly growing. The number of data thefts is increasing, and in order to minimize risks, companies will have to both actively use existing security methods and constantly implement advanced protection technologies.
